The Idyll of Samsø

  • By | 25/09-2013 19:02
    Rent a holiday home on Samsø and have a traditional Danish biking vacation. Samsø is the perfect Island for biking with the entire family, because of its size. The nature you will discover is varied with small hills in a way that even the youngest member of your family can follow. The Island has around 20 small towns which arrows around in the beautiful landscape. With minimal amount of cars in traffic and wide bicycle lanes Samsø is the Island perfect for a biking vacation. Have plenty of small breaks on the way and buy freshly picked strawberries, blackberries or raspberries from the locals – then you’ll get new energy. Do not hesitate if no one is watching the stands, just look at the sign and put the written amount of money in the box. The locals trust their customers.

    Have you rented a house on Samsø, you have to taste the delicacies of which the Island is known for. You find the real taste of Samsø in their well-known potatoes, newly caught garfish and locally made mustard. Every adult must also try the liqueur made of potatoes and figs. Just have in mind that it includes a fair amount of alcohol. Feel the atmosphere of the city, the wonderful nature, while discovering the taste of Samsø and enjoying your family’s presence.

    Samsø gives energy

    The island has got 20 large windmills; of these the locals of Samsø own 11 onshore windmills. It provides enough electricity to the whole island and that is why it achieved an award for being the most sustainable Energy Island of Denmark. This title celebrates their engagement in the future. You can hear all about this and a lot more at Samsø’s Energy Academy. Do you need renewed energy just take a walk on the best beaches on Samsø. 120 kilometers coastline hides some of the best white sandy beaches in the country – all children friendly. Two beaches that are highly recommended are the Sælvigbugten and Mårup Østerstrand. Places with absolutely no stress what so ever.

    Samsø invites you on many more experiences and that is why the Island has great holiday potential. Rent a holiday home and have your base there, while you discover the nature and the spirit of one of the most beautiful Islands in Denmark.
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