Autumn break on Funen

  • By Vacation-NOW | 04/09-2014 00:00
    It is getting closer now, the cosy autumn break, where we move closer together in the living rooms and tell scary stories while we enjoy a cup of hot cocoa with homemade cake. But if this is not enough to satisfy you children’s (our your own) need for entertainment, then we have made a guide to fun activities on Funen in the autumn break.
    Egeskov Castle is always a beautiful and fun experience, but in the autumn break they have turned up the activity level, so you get even more fun than usual. Come and see the tractor pulling competitions October 11 and experience the large machines in an exciting duel. If that is not scary enough for you, then Valdemars Castle offer a number of Horrornights each Friday and Saturday in October, where you can stay in the castle until midnight and test how much it takes to frighten you. You are guaranteed a scary experience. Odense Zoo also focuses on scary animals, the dinosaurs, which you can see at an exhibition on Odense harbour. See real fossils and bones or get a real life impression of them, with life size models.        
    Odense City Museums is a collection of fun and interesting museums in Odense, each of which takes you to their own unique autumn events. In H.C. Andersen’s house you get to go on a fairytale tour with the H.C. Andersen parade, led by H.C. Andersen himself. The Funen Village celebrates potato vacation, as the break used to be called, and let you join them in the potato harvest. You can also make candles and beet men and bake cardamom cake. At Mønstergården you get to se the exhibition The Skeleton is raddling, where you can see real human bones. You get to help the archaeologist with excavations, make jewellery from bone, play the bone game and make your own skeleton. At the end of the day you can test your new knowledge in the bone quiz. Last but not least we have the Media museum, which holds Harry Potter festival. On October 17 and 18 you can join the writing workshop with no other than Rita Skeeter. You pick photos and write the story, which at the end of the day is published in the Daily Prophet. The workshop is for kids age 10 to 14. You can also see the scary bones sold by murky sorcerers in Knockturn Alley.         
    And if you just cannot get enough of fun museums, you also need to go to the Danish Railway museum. The museum has been taken over by a ghost train and two ghosts. Kids from the age 6 to 12 are invited to join the interactive play, where they have to solve the railway riddle and get the kidnapped Jens home.
    You can look forward to a fun and active vacation, when the autumn break starts!

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